The AFIM real estate agency was created in 1981 by Mrs Anne Catherine Follonier.
It provides brokerage services, management of condominiums, chalets, flats and studios, and rental of all types of property such as chalets, flats, studios and garages. Her activity is deployed in the mountains as well as in the plains.
Mrs. Anne Catherine Follonier was a member of the committee of the AVAIM, the Valaisan Association of Real Estate Agents, was its secretary for several years and contributed to its transfer to the APIWIT, currently the USPI.
In addition, she was a member of the Comité Romand des Agents Immobiliers for more than 5 years. She was also mandated by the GRAIM, Groupement des Agences Immobilières de la Région d'Evolène, to coordinate its advertising.
She is also pleased to be able to answer the questions of people interested in the Evolène region in French, English, German and Dutch.